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Laura Pasquardini speaks at the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Biosensors
newsLaura Pasquardini speaks at the 38th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis
newsIndivenire is partner in FUTURBIO project
newsIndivenire is partner in FUTURBIO project, an European Erasmus+ project started in February 2022
Partecipazione di Indivenire al progetto Lidia – Litografia ad alta risoluzione per sensori biomedicali
newsLaura Pasquardini is an Invited Speaker at ASEC2021
newsIndivenire’s participation in the SiPoBio project – Portable system for high sensitivity detection of circulating biomarkers in blood
newsMolecular Imprinted Polymers Coupled to Photonic Structures in Biosensors: The State of Art
newsHow can we study the chemistry of a surface? PART 3
newsHow can we study the chemistry of a surface? PART 2
newsHow can we study the chemistry of a surface? PART 1